Program Lineup

Leading Your Team Through Change

Course Summary

Good business teams produce results during times of prosperity. It’s a different story during times of change and uncertainty, when only prepared and motivated teams have the agility, focus and motivation to successfully in navigate the shifting environment.

As a leader, you must help your people overcome their reactions, embrace the change initiatives, and use focused approaches to keep team activities on course.

In this workshop, you’ll gain practical tools that will enable you to manage reactions to change to communicate in a manner that inspires followers and ensures optimal productivity through any change initiative.


  • Fee
  • 39,600 yen (
  • Venue
  • TBD
  • Language
  • Japanese
  • Hosted by
  • Quintegral Ltd.
  • Location
  • Online/Tokyo/Osaka/Nagoya/Others
  • Duration
  • 1 day(2.5 hours)
  • PDU
  • Leadership: 2.5

Select date & time

  • Oct.02,2024 09:30~12:00 @Online
  • Dec.13,2024 09:30~12:00 @Online
  • Feb.26,2025 09:30~12:00 @Online
  • May.12,2025 09:30~12:00 @Online
  • Aug.29,2025 09:30~12:00 @Online

Important Notice

  • Live online seminar is delivered using Zoom.

How You Will Benefit

  • In this course you’ll gain a clear understanding of key factors that impact team performance during times of change and discover a fresh and dynamic approach to achieving better results:
  • ● Lead and assist everyone in your business to deal effectively with change
  • ● Engage your team and employees in the reality and opportunity of change
  • ● Listen and communicate to address and decrease anxiety, and to inspire commitment to change
  • ● Set a positive example for colleagues and direct reports when handling significant changes in the workplace
  • ● Use The Results Matrix© model to help you more effectively communicate and inspire commitment to change
  • ● Plan and lead effective change communication meetings

Who Should Attend

  • Executives, leaders, managers, and others who neee to lead the team through Change.

Course Outline

Learning Objectives
● Understand the Role of the Change Leader
● Focus on the People Side of Change Leadership
● Diagnose Readiness for Change Using the Change Curve
● Understand, Recognize and Mitigate Resistance
● Listen to Bring Anxieties and Concerns to the Surface
● Communicate to Address Both the Rational and the Emotional Needs of Your Team
● Inspire Your Team, Using The Results Matrix© to Plan Your Change Communication

Your Role as Change Leader
● Articulate the Critical Importance of the People Side of Change
● Understand the Importance of Exceptional Leadership in Successfully Leading Change
● Identify the Key Responsibilities of a Change Leader 

Understand the Change Curve
● Describe the Four Phases of the Change Curve
● Determine Where You Are on the Change Curve, Regarding the Change You Are Leading
● Diagnose Your Team to Determine Their Phase on the Change Curve 

Dealing with Resistance
● Recognize Resistance on Your Team
● Accept That Resistance Is Natural and to Be Expected
● Listen in Order to Mitigate Concerns, Anxiety, Worry, and Mindsets and Behaviors of Resistance 

Communicating Change
● Plan a One-on-One or a Team Meeting to Communicate Change
● Employ Best Practice Communication Strategies to Help People Through the Change Curve
● Apply The Results Matrix© Communication Model

Prerequisite / Pre-Assignment


Additional Information

  • ● Course outline is partly subject to change without prior notice.
  • ● A headset with microphone is required to attend and participate in this program.

contact us

Monday - Friday 9:00-17:30

Closed: Saturday, Sunday, National Holidays, New Years holidays (12/29-1/4)