Program Lineup

Psychological Safety: An Imperative for High Performing Teams

Course Summary

Some of business’s greatest innovations originated from people willing to think out of the box and take a gamble on an “unlikely” idea. Unfortunately, most of us find it a challenge to be open, think creatively, and take risks for fear of being criticized, judged, or even laughed at. That’s why psychological safety is a far more powerful tool than its name might suggest.

This course will help you become familiar with the elements of psychological safety and how they relate to trust, high-performing teams and innovation. You’ll also learn how to apply psychological safety in your organization through a special capstone exercise.


  • Fee
  • 154,000 yen (
  • Venue
  • TBD
  • Language
  • Delivery Language: Japanese Material Language: English
  • Hosted by
  • Quintegral Ltd.
  • Location
  • Online/Tokyo/Osaka/Nagoya/Others
  • Duration
  • 2 days(9:30-17:30)
  • PDU
  • Power Skills: 14.0

Select date & time

  • Sep.30,2024-Oct.01,2024 09:30~17:30 @Online
  • Jan.27-28,2025 09:30~17:30 @Online
  • Mar.27-28,2025 09:30~17:30 @Online
  • Jul.24-25,2025 09:30~17:30 @Online

Important Notice

  • ● Material Language: English; Delivery Language: Japanese; Participants are asked to read English instructions before exercises.
  • ● Live online seminar is delivered using Zoom.

How You Will Benefit

  • ● Learn what comprises psychological safety, as well as the business imperative for it
  • ● Recognize the high-level science and research behind psychological safety
  • ● Enhance your understanding of healthy conflict and its value in fostering psychological safety
  • ● Experience how to build connection rapidly and with ease among team members
  • ● Gain more skill in utilizing courageous conversations
  • ● Recognize the mindsets and behaviors that impact psychological safety
  • ● Review case studies of organizations with high and low levels of psychological safety
  • ● Develop greater confidence creating environments that foster increased trust, belonging, and risk-taking, leading to higher levels of innovation, satisfaction, and performance
  • ● Practice using interpersonal skills to develop a climate of high psychological safety
  • ● Take ownership of supporting a culture of psychological safety

Who Should Attend

  • ● Leaders
  • ● Managers
  • ● Team Leads
  • ● HR professionals
  • ● Decision makers
  • ● Other stakeholders across job functions who need to create an open and accepting culture for greater success

Course Outline

Learning Objectives
● Define Psychological Safety and Its Core Components
● Understand the Importance of Psychological Safety to You, Your Team, and Your Organization
● Be Familiar with the Evidence Connecting Psychological Safety to High Performing Teams
● Build Skills in Managing Productive Conflict and Facilitating Powerful Workplace Conversations
● Explore How Leaders at All Levels Can Create a Climate Where Team Members Feel Safe Speaking Up
● Identify the Steps an Organization Can Take to Develop a Culture of Psychological Safety
● Practice Applying These Concepts to Create More Psychologically Safe Teams and Organizations

Psychological Safety and Why It Matters
● Define Psychological Safety
● Explore the Benefits of Psychological Safety on Individuals, Teams, and Organizations
● Identify the Risks That Exist for Employees Speaking Up and Corresponding Power Drivers
● Discuss the Impact of Identity on the Experience of Psychological Safety

The Science Behind Psychological Safety
● Discuss the Major Research Findings That Gave Psychological Safety Its Running Legs
● Identify the Physiological Reasons Why Psychological Safety Allows Talents to Thrive

Qualities that Enhance Psychological Safety
● Explore Vulnerability, Trust, and Candor as Qualities That Enhance Psychological Safety
● Establish the Importance of Social Emotional Intelligence in the Expression of These Qualities
● Discuss How a Virtual and Hybrid Environment Impact Vulnerability, Trust, and Candor

Productive Conflict and Powerful Workplace Conversations
● Explore the Difference between Productive and Unproductive Conflict
● Employ Conflict Resolutions Strategies in Teams and One-On-One Settings
● Identify and Practice the Core Communication Skill for Powerful Workplace Conversations

The Influence of Individual Leaders
● Describe the Role of the Leader in Fostering Psychological Safety on Their Team
● Consider the Relationship between Mindset and Behaviors
● Explore Five Ways Leaders Can Promote a Culture of Psychological Safety
● Identify Systems and Structures Local Leaders Can Implement to Support Psychological Safety on Their Team
● Learn Strategies for Increasing Employee Confidence

Creating an Organizational Culture of Psychological Safety
● Analyze the Drivers of Organizational Culture and Identify Strategies for Shaping a Culture of Psychological Safety
● Be Familiar with Examples of Organizations with High Psychological Safety
● Learn a Step-By-Step Approach for Building or Changing an Organizational Culture

Leadership Psychological Safety Exercise
● Practice Integrating New Leadership Behaviors to Shape a New Culture of Psychological Safety
● Prepare to Present Team Project Outcomes to Larger Group

Prerequisite / Pre-Assignment

English reading skills are required.

Additional Information

  • Course outline is partly subject to change without prior notice.

contact us

Monday - Friday 9:00-17:30

Closed: Saturday, Sunday, National Holidays, New Years holidays (12/29-1/4)