Program Lineup

Logical & Effective Communication: Cogent Communication Techniques

Course Summary

Skills that enable people to think and speak logically and clearly are increasingly important for business people in today’s fast-changing, ethnically-diverse marketplace.

In the past, when we spoke about ”logical skills”, we were referring to skills crucial for creating business and marketing strategies – necessary primarily for members of senior management. However, with the rapid pace of change and globalization, and even more rapid market developments, it’s clear that to conduct business successfully, we must deal effectively with people of different cultures. Also, as new generations take their place in business and society, it’s essential that everyone’s way of thinking becomes more diverse and adaptable than in the past. This is why logical skills are now indispensable, not only for the top echelons of management ーbut for all of us.
In this course, no matter who you are or what your situation, you will learn how to organize your thoughts logically, communicate your ideas appropriately, and discover the best way to convince others of your viewpoint. Gain the critical thinking skills that will completely and permanently change the way you do business.


  • Fee
  • 132,000 yen (
  • Venue
  • TBD
  • Language
  • Japanese
  • Hosted by
  • Quintegral Ltd.
  • Location
  • Online/Tokyo/Osaka/Nagoya/Others
  • Duration
  • 2 days(9:30-17:30)
  • PDU
  • Power Skills: 14.0

Select date & time

  • Sep.09-10,2024 09:30~17:30 @Online
  • Nov.11-12,2024 09:30~17:30 @Online
  • Jan.09-10,2025 09:30~17:30 @Online
  • Mar.24-25,2025 09:30~17:30 @Online
  • Jun.26-27,2025 09:30~17:30 @Online
  • Sep.29-30,2025 09:30~17:30 @Online

Important Notice

  • Live online seminar is delivered using Zoom.

How You Will Benefit

  • ● Learn the ropes of restoring order to disorganized stories, and straightening out illogical thinking
  • ● Study effective tools for thinking logically, and use them to sharpen your thinking skills
  • ● Be able to distinguish presumption from fact in confusing conversations
  • ● Learn skills to speak concretely and logically in order to convince others of your viewpoint
  • ● Learn effective questioning skills that make others organize their thoughts and speak logically

Who Should Attend

  • All business professionals who would like to improve their logical thinking skills.

Course Outline

1. Hear (capture) Logically
 - Listening to others
 - Distinguish presumptions from facts
 - Coordinate others’ stories
2. Think Logically
 - What is it like to be “logical”?
 - Framework for logic (logic tree)
 - MECE (mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive)
 - Some caution points for logical thinking
3. Communicate Logically
 - The PRES model
 - Effectively convince others
4. Extract Logically
 - Paraphrasing
 - Probing
 - Questioning skills
 - Effective Open Questions
5. Final Exercise

Prerequisite / Pre-Assignment


contact us

Monday - Friday 9:00-17:30

Closed: Saturday, Sunday, National Holidays, New Years holidays (12/29-1/4)