Building a Culture of Innovation for Hybrid and Virtual Teams ~Successfully drive innovation in flexible work environments~
The modern workplace is here! For leaders like you whose team is co-located, remote or a combination, you’ve got to be ready to implement the next set of actions to build a culture in which innovation, creativity and collaboration can thrive regardless of any physical boundaries separating employees. Take charge and explore what’s possible for you in this course.
- 価格
- 154,000円(税込)
- 言語
- 英語
- 主催
- クインテグラル株式会社
- 開催場所
- オンライン/東京/大阪/名古屋/その他
- 期間
- 2 日 (9:30-17:30)
- PDU Power Skills: 14.0
- Live online seminar is delivered using Zoom.
- ● Get familiar with the science connecting team dynamics and innovation
- ● Identify current drivers and barriers to innovation and their implications
- ● Enhance your leadership role in reimagining a new culture of innovation
- ● Develop an implementation plan for your team or organization
- Team leaders and other professionals working in hybrid, virtual or flexible work environments, and those who need effective solutions to help them collaborate and innovate with greater success.
● Exploring the types of culture that lead to innovation
● Recognizing the factors that undermine or kill creativity
● Exploring the role of leaders in shaping the culture
● Leveraging social capital for innovation culture in hybrid teams
TOEIC Score 650 or Higher / Pre-Assignment Required
- Course outline is partly subject to change without prior notice.