LIVE ONLINE Courses Available Across the World

LIVE ONLINE Courses Available Across the World

AMAでは、それらの課題に応じた豊富なLIVE ONLINEセミナーをご用意しております。
グローバルビジネスに携わるビジネスプロフェッショナルの方にとっては、リモートで海外拠点のスタッフや取引先等と業務を進める機会も多いでしょう。多様な方が受講するAMA LIVE ONLINEセミナーで様々な経験・知識を共有し、相互に刺激し合い、新しい気づきに繋がる機会としてぜひご活用ください。
(AMA LIVE ONLINEセミナーは英語で実施いたします。)


AMA U.S.が主催するコース一覧
(American Management Association. のサイトに移動します。)

Leading Virtual Teams
When it comes to the success of a virtual team, the buck stops with the team leader.

The Voice of Leadership: How Leaders Inspire, Influence and Achieve Results
No matter how compelling the vision or how brilliant the strategy, without leadership communication, there is no execution.

Tips for Giving and Receiving Feedback
Giving feedback can be difficult and sometimes hurtful. Often stressful. How do you even begin? Learn simple techniques that make a difference.

How to Coach a Virtual Team
Building relationships over hundreds—or thousands—of miles? Trying to set goals that are understood around the globe? These special circumstances require special skills.

How to Communicate with Diplomacy, Tact and Credibility
Be a consistently professional communicator—even in difficult circumstances

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(Management Centre Europe. のサイトに移動します。)

Successfully Managing People
Do you know how to encourage excellence in a culture of “no change”? Are you able to keep your cool when things go wrong? Are you a confident or a reluctant delegator?

Coaching from a Distance: Developing Your Team When You Can’t Be Face to Face
The countless ways in which professionals now communicate means business can be conducted almost anywhere. This has introduced the element of distance (both real and virtual) between coach and subject.

Responding to Conflict: Strategies for Improved Communication
Increase your success by proactively improving your conflict management skills.
Rather than react to conflict on a purely emotional level, you can learn how to manage disputes and disagreements in a positive manner, or even avoid them altogether.

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月曜日 ~ 金曜日 9:00~17:30

休業日:土曜日・日曜日、 国民の祝日、年末年始休日 (12/29~1/4)